Verida One Explainer

What is Verida One?

Verida One is a public, decentralized platform that allows users to showcase who they are across both Web2 and Web3.

How does Verida One work?

A Verida One profile allows a user to aggregates their existing social identities from across Web2 and Web3 so they can show the many facets of themselves in one place.

This includes verified Web2 identities from platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as Web3 identities that include NFTs (avatars and others) and SBTs (Soulbound Tokens).

These verified social identities are available on chain, making the information easily accessible to on-chain dApps.

Users can have multiple identities that represent different facets they want to present in different contexts (for example a professional and a personal profile). When full implementation is complete, users will have full control over what is shown and what is hidden on their Verida One profile. Initially, limited controls will be made available in the Verida Wallet.

Verida One Overview

Why is Verida launching Verida One?

Web2 is about sharing, Web3 is about ownership.

Current Web2 users have a set of services that allow them to display places they are sharing their identity and activities (LinkTree is an example of this).

Web3 currently focuses on transferable, financialised assets, rather than encoding social relationships of trust. Many core activities in the real world are built on persistent, non-transferable relationships.

Web3 lacks a service to aggregate, share and prove these existing social identities. Existing reputation primarily relies on allocation of capital, but many of the most interesting use cases of reputation are not financially based.

There is no easy solution for users to import, verify and prove existing Web2 identities and reputation, which is necessary infrastructure to link this critical Web2 metadata to Web3 dApps and new use cases.

What are the benefits of Verida One

Verida One provides users with a single source of truth that represents their ownership, affiliations, activities and social identity across all platforms. This produces a trusted source of data that can be consumed visually via an intuitive web interface, via traditional Web2 API’s or via Web3 using on-chain records such as NFT’s and SBT’s.

This makes it easier for humans to show who they are and what they are doing to other humans (send them to a single URL) and to programs (by providing a consistent machine-readable API representing the user’s identity data)).

This provides trust, identity and reputation when interacting (crypto transactions, DM’s etc.) with that user. It enables users to highlight / show off their achievements across both Web2 and Web3.

Users can mint Verida Badges as on-chain Soulbound tokens that represent a verified proof of ownership or proof of reputation to the indicative social media platform. Where appropriate, proof of reputation can remain anonymous and zero knowledge. This enables use cases such as proving you have 100k Twitter followers without disclosing which Twitter account has the followers.

Verida One helps communities and projects verify the authenticity of users and builders to build trust and establish reputation over time. This is an important component to reducing risk of scams.

Collectively, they allow a user to prove who they are (and are not), to build their reputation, establish trust, and gain access to communities aligned to their social identity.

What blockchains does Verida One support?

Verida Badges are minted on Polygon. We will be expanding support to other blockchains soon.

How does Verida One protect my data?

Your data is managed securely through the Verida Vault. It’s important to protect your seed phrase and follow best practice security measures for self-custodial wallets.

The Verida One profile is a separate container of data. It’s a read-only view of the items you wish to display, managed through the Verida Vault.

Where is my data stored?

The Verida verification process creates a signed proof (data) stored in your private storage on the Verida network. This proof can then be re-used across multiple SBT smart contracts on different chains. Once you have verified an account this proof (data) can be re-used in the future. Access to your data is managed through the Verida Vault.

Verida identities control where their personal encrypted data is stored. Applications can provide a default storage hosting option or users can specify their own. See Data Storage in our Developer Docs for more information.

Verida Private Data Storage

Do I need to verify ownership of a wallet showing in Verida One?

The wallets shown on your Verida One profile are created when setting up your Verida Identity in the Vault.

You can add existing wallets to your Verida One profile as well. You will need to import the key into the Vault to do this.

What is the URL of my Verida One profile? Can I choose a custom URL?

Your Verida One profile URL will take the form where “username” is your Verida Username.

Your profile will also be available with the following URL formats

  •, where “username” is your Verida Username. (See Verida Usernames)

  •…., where “did:vda:0x….” is your Verida DID

Is my Verida One profile public?

Yes. Your Verida One profile is public, but you can choose what data is displayed on your profile. This can be managed through the Verida Wallet.

Can I make my Verida One profile private?

No, the Verida One profiles are designed to be public. You can control what data, assets and content are made public through the Verida Wallet.

How do I show my NFTs on Verida One?

To show your NFTs, SBTs, badges, collectibles etc. on Verida One, you’ll need to ensure those wallets are connected in the Verida Vault first.

Verida allows you to create, manage and control composable identities. You can create multiple Verida Identities (DIDs) from within the Verida Vault, allowing you to segment different facets of your identity.

For each Verida DID:

  • You can claim 1 Verida Username and 1 Verida One profile.

  • You can link multiple blockchain wallets, and choose which wallets are made public

Verida One Multi-Identity Management

Last updated